Click to enlargeJ933/P1039

William Barber's seated liberty design. To my knowledge, Liberty is always in raised letters. These were sold in sets as part of complete silver sets. For additional information, click here.

Examples were struck in the following combinations.

J933/P1039 in silver with reeded edge with over a dozen known. To see available images, click here.

J934/P1040 in silver with plain edge with over a dozen known. To see available images, click

J935/P1041 in copper with reeded edge with over a dozen known. To see available images, click

J936/P1042 in copper with plain edge with over a dozen known. To see available images, click

J937/P1044 in aluminum with reeded edge with only 3 or 4 known. To see images of this and the next, click

J938/P1045 in aluminum with plain edge with only 3 or 4 known.

Photo courtesy of Bowers and Merena.