Click to enlargeJ464/P558

This pattern consists of the Washington Obverse with the motto "In God We Trust" combined with the Dutch 5 reverse.

Examples were struck as follows: Available images for these can be found here.

Nickel J464/P558 with the following 4 believed to be different.

1) Mitchelson-Connecticut State Library

2) Dr. Judd

3) R.K. Harris-Kreisberg-Schulman 2/58

4) Dibello-Stacks 5/70

One of the last 3 accounts for the illustrated Heritage 2/84, Virginia collection-Heritage 8/16 ANA sale - PCGS65 example.

Copper and/or Bronze J465-J466/P559 with fewer than a half dozen confirmed including.

1) Mitchelson-Connecticut State Library

2) Norweb-Stacks 11/06, Stacks 7/08, Simpson-Heritage 1/21 - PCGS63BN

3) B/M 4/83, Stacks 1/92, Queller-Heritage 1/09 FUN - NGC64RB

4) Superior 5/93, B/M 5/97, Wilcox, Leidman - PCGS65BN

The Stacks 8/76 ANA-Stacks 12/80 and Krueger 1/84 FUN may be additional examples or among the last 2. An example was also in the Lohr Fixed Price List.

Photo courtesy of Heritage.