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Although these are described as regular die trial pieces in the standard references, it is more likely that the off-metal 'trials' of this year were deliberately struck for sale to collectors as part of complete gold and copper sets of this year containing the with motto half eagle J445-J446/P517-P518, eagle J449-J450/P521-P522 and double eagle J452-J453/P524-P527.
We have records for the following 9 examples: To view all available images, click here.
1) Fecht-ANS accession #1980.109.2158 - gem proof
2) Mitchelson-Connecticut State Library - gem proof
3) Col Green, Newman, EPNNES-Heritage 4/13 - NGC66RB
4) B/M 5/92, Heritage 1/99 FUN lot 7436, ANR 12/03 as PCGS65RB, Heritage 5/05 as PCGS65RB, Simpson-Heritage 4/21 - PCGS66RB
5) Superior Auction 90 part of set, B/M 11/92, Heritage 4/16 - PCGS64RED
6) B/M 6/88, Superior 5/93, Heritage 1/99 FUN lot 7435 as PCGS64BN, Simpson-Heritage 8/10 ANA as NGC63BN, Heritage 11/11, Heritage 4/12 - PCGS63BN with a spot at the top of the T in UNITED
7) Heritage 5/90, Superior 2/91, Goldberg 2/00 as PCGS64BN, Simpson-Stacks 2/08, Stacks 11/08 - NGC64 with a spot behind Liberty's eye and a lintmark on the F in OF
8) Heritage 11/11, Heritage 4/12, Montgomery-Heritage 11/23 lot 3924, Heritage 5/24 - PCGS63BN
9) River Oaks-BR 11/76, Kriesberg 10/78, Stacks Auction 85, Queller-Heritage 1/09 FUN, Montgomery-Heritage 11/23 lot 3923 - NGC62BN
A gold restrike for this year is known, to view click here. It is believed to have been made to complete gold proof sets of this year with the "In God We Trust" pieces mentioned above.
Photo is of the Eric Newman example courtesy of Heritage.