Click to enlargeJ342/P414

The so-called transitional half dollar using the reverse of 1866-1891.

These and the other "with motto" patterns of this date as well as 1864 and possibly 1865 are actually restrikes made circa 1869 (see comment at bottom) and into the early 1870s and offered with restrikes of other denominations in complete sets.

Examples were struck as follows:

Silver J342/P414 with about a dozen known. To see all available images, click here.

Copper J343/P415 with about a dozen known. To see all available images, click

Aluminum J344/P416 with at least the following 5 confirmed: To see images of all of these, click

1) Kagin 8/77 ANA, Kagin 7/78, Kagin 8/83 ANA, Kagin 5/87, Heritage 1/04 FUN, ANR 1/06, Heritage 4/17, Boylston-LegendAuctions 2/23 - PCGS64

2) Heritage 5/09 as NGC64, Goldberg 9/10 as NGC64, Heritage 1/11 FUN - NGC65

3) Heritage 3/12, 10/12, 12/12, 2/13, 4/13 - NGC63

4) Weaver 1/73, Bass-Heritage 8/14 ANA, Heritage 1/15, Heritage 4/16 - NGC65

5) PCGSCoinFacts plate coin - PCGS66

Note: One of these was first offered as lot 219 in Haseltine's 4/1870 sale of some William Idler patterns with no mention of the motto on the reverse.