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This is the earliest gold pattern for a denomination unrelated to the gold dollar or double eagle. One of these was offered as lot 669 in E. Cogan's 5/1860 sale.
Two obverse dies were used for this design with different date placements.

Pollock called the first die the high date variety with the 7 close to the lowest curl in Liberty's hair but it would probably be more accurate to call it date right. The second Pollock referred to as the low date, which shows the 7 far from the hair curl, but this should really be called the centered date.
The following 8 are confirmed. To see images of all of these, click here.
Low/Centered Date
1) Reed-Durham museum
2) Fecht-ANS
3) RARCOA 4/72, Bass-B/M 5/99, Superior 10/2000, Superior 3/01, Heritage 11/23 – NGC64, gilt
4) RARCOA 4/75, RARCOA 4/76, NERCA 1/87?, B/M 2/87 – proof 60 cleaned & retoned
5) Kosoff 10/68?, Paramount 3/81, Stacks 6/03, ANR 12/03, Heritage 12/23, StacksBowers 6/24 – NGC60, gilt, with a scratch through the D in the denomination
6) Stacks 8/76 ANA – proof splashes of blue iridescence, traces of original color, a few carbon flecks
High/Right Date
7) Judd?, unknown intermediaries, Superior 9/02, Simpson-Heritage 9/20 – PCGS65BN, illustrated above, click on the thumbnail image to enlarge
8) Hewitt in 1972, Bass-B/M 5/99 – proof 62, gilt
4 obverse JA1857-3/P3140 and one reverse JA1857-4/P3141 die trial, struck in white metal, are also known.
Photos used are courtesy of Superior.