Click to enlargeJ1984/P2044

Another of A.A. Weinman's Mercury dime patterns. This used to be J1794 in earlier editions of Judd.

The description below was provided by Roger Burdette.

"Dime. High relief.

Obverse: Front of neck nearly vertical, cap has depression midway between E and R; pronounced asymmetrical inscription. Designer’s monogram to right of bust equidistant from date and inscription.

Reverse: Fasces and lettering larger than on regular issue and much closer to rim. Very narrow rim on both sides.

Design approved cr. August 20, 1916. Intended for circulation with up to 2,000,000 made between August 30 and September 6 on order of Acting Director Frank Chaffin. Production halted when tests by AT&T discovered the coins were too thick at the rim (due to “fin” or “wire rim”) and stuck in their ‘phone pay boxes. Nearly all condemned and melted. At least 50 specimens left the Mint for testing, and the Director’s office; 40 accounted for as returned; others not located. One known ex Newcomer, Raymond, NN 35th 11/51, 58 ANA, Bareford-Stacks 10/81, Hayes-Stacks 10/85, Auction 88, Superior 7/03, southern collection, Stacks 7/08, Simpson-Heritage 9/20 - PCGS64.

May be better described as a failed production trial than a true pattern, since patterns usually lack a monogram. (See also J1993/P2055 for possibly similar circumstances surrounding a half-dollar pattern.)" To see images of all of these, click here.

Photo courtesy of Saul Teichman.