Click to enlargeJ1554A/P1745

This is the first prototype of what was to become known as Barber's rejected dollar in early auction sales.

The difference between this and the later designs J1554-J1555/P1733-P1744 is the absence of 6 pointed stars in the field on the reverse at 4:00 and 8:00.

Examples are known as follows: To see images of all of these, click here.

Silver J1554A/P1745 with only 4 confirmed, 2 of which are worn.

1) George-StacksBowers 3/24 - PCGS64, recently discovered

2) Heritage 5/2009 sale as NGC62, Simpson-Heritage 11/20 - PCGS62, illustrated above

3) Dr. Linkner - XF, Judd 9th &10th edition plate coin

4) Burke-Bowers and Merena's 5/94 - XF

Copper J1554B/P1746 with the following 4 confirmed.

1) Maris, Garrett-Stacks 3/76, Sieck-81 ANA, B/M 8/07, Stacks 11/07, StacksBowers 8/16 ANA, StacksBowers 3/20 - PCGS65RB

2) Bowers and Merena's 1/85 and 11/02 sales, Southern collection, Simpson collection, Heritage 2010 ANA as J1555, Virginia collection, Heritage 4/17, Heritage 9/17, 2/18/24 - PCGS65RB with a spot on the N in ONE

3) Southern collection, Simpson-Heritage 8/21 - PCGS64RED.

4) Hull (Scott Stamp & Coin 11/1895) lot 811, Brand (journal #15123), Horace Brand, unknown intermediaries, Heritage 6/17, Heritage 1/20 FUN - PCGS64BN.

In the Hull sale, this piece was described as having faint spots on obverse and the PCGSCoinFacts website image of this piece does show some scattered obverse spotting.

Photo courtesy of Heritage.