Click to enlargeJ1245/P1387

The so-called Amazonian design because of the similar reverse copied from William Barber's quarter, half dollar and dollar patterns of this year. It is the only uniform design ever made for all six denominations. To view the entire set, click here.

This is one of the most famous of all pattern designs.

It was made in the following combinations: To see all available images, click here.

J1245/P1387 in gold. The entire set is unique in gold. This particular coin is ex Woodin, Granberg, Newcomer, Col Green, Farouk, Wilkison, Paramount, A-Mark, Leidman, 81 ANA, 83 ANA, Greg Holloway, Superior 10/90, Trompeter, Southern collection, Simpson collection.

It is likely that Woodin got these from A.L. Snowden for "returning" the 2 gold half unions to him which were then placed back in the Mint cabinet. For more on that, click

J1246/P1388 in copper. About a dozen are known, several of which have been gilted including:

1) Smithsonian

2) Doughty-N.Y. Coin & Stamp 4/1891, Reed-Durham Museum – ICG66RB

3) Lohr, Pittman-Akers 10/97, Heritage 2/05, Jewell-StacksBowers 8/11 ANA - Simpson – PCGS65RED

4) NERCA 7/77, Simpson-Heritage 8/21 – PCGS64BN

5) RARCOA 1/73 FUN, Crouch-Superior 6/77, B/R RCR #41 11/81, B/R RCR #44 6/82, Steig-B/R 9/82, Heritage 4/13 as PCGS63BN, StacksBowers 6/17, Black Cat – PCGS64BN, spot between stars 11 & 12 visible on all plates.

6) Judd, Terrell-B/R 5/73, Crouch-Superior 6/77, Sieck-B/R 7/81 ANA – toned proof 63

7) Hughes 1/80, Hughes 7/80 – pr65 toned, obverse image shows some spots on Liberty

8) Paramount Rare Coin List #3 1966

9) Dibello-Stacks 5/70, Bass, HWBRF-Heritage 1/23 – PCGS64 gilt

10) Superior 10/95 as NGC62 (part of gilt set), Stacks 10/95 offered individually and raw, Heritage 1/07 FUN as NGC63 gilt, PCGS64 gilt

11) Kosoff 10/42, Taylor-NN 61st 6/70, Stacks 1/87, Auction '88 (Stack's, 7/1988), lot 1310; Queller-Heritage, 1/2009, Simpson-Heritage 2/21 - PCGS62 gilt

12) Bolt-Stacks 4/86 – gilt, spots between stars 3 and 4 and on reverse near E in UNITED and near rim between D and S do not appear on any of the first 3 gilt pieces. It is possibly one of the first 2 if wiped at some point in time.

J1247/P1389 in aluminum with 3 confirmed as follows:

1) 58 ANA, Pittman-Akers 10/97, Southern collection as PCGS65, Simpson - NGC66/PCGS66

2) Kreisberg-Schulman 2/60, Pittman, Kosoff, Simpson-Heritage 11/20 - PCGS65

3) Merkin 6/30/65 trade, Chase Manhattan Bank, Smithsonian.

Note: It is possible that the pedigree for the 2nd Pittman coin belongs with the Chase-Smithsonian coin.

Photo courtesy of Heritage.