Shield Earring Patterns
This has also been called the ‘Schoolgirl’ design in many sales although today most people prefer to use the Shield Earring designation and leave the ‘Schoolgirl’ designation to J1608-J1610.
The earliest occurrence for this design was the copper set in the June 1886 Maris sale. They are described as being plated in the sale catalog. I believe the dollar went to Doughty (possibly via Woodward’s September 1888 Vicksburg and January 1889 Stetson sales) while the quarter and half went into the Stickney collection. This half apparently ended up in Henry Chapman’s 1909 Zabriskie sale. The first silver set was in the June 1890 New York Coin & Stamp sale of the Parmelee collection where is was purchased by "Clay", ie H.P. Smith. The set then sold in the 1906 Chapman brothers auction to John Story Jenks where it was purchased by Clapp and finally ended up in the Eliasberg collection. The half dollar apparently was sold or lost as it did not appear in the Eliasberg I sale.
It is likely that most known today in silver and copper trace their pedigree to the Woodin collection and were obtained in trade for ‘returning’ the two $50 gold patterns to the mint collection. A partial set was sold in the February 1911 Edgar Adams sale of some of the Woodin duplicates as well as additional examples in both metals in some circa 1913 fixed price lists.
Note: The shield earring appear to be the rarest of the so called name patterns with about 10 struck in silver and at least 6 struck in copper. The order of these from rarest to most common appears to be Shield Earring, Schoolgirl, Amazonian and finally Washlady.
Photo links are provided. To view, click on the Judd / Pollock number.
1) Smithsonian
2) Col Green, Dibello (via BGJ 4/26/46 invoice), Stacks 5/70, Sieck, Fred-B/M 11/95 at $24,200, Hanks 6/97, Higman-Alterman, Alhambra/Hanks, Superior 9/99 at $28,980 (did it sell?), Superior 2/00 at $26,450, Heritage 4/15 – PCGS67, illustrated above
3) Merkin 9/67, Turoff-B/M 3/94 at $14,300 - PCGS64
4) Col Green, Taylor (via Kelly 5/27/43 invoice), NN61st (6/70), Bass, HWBRF-Heritage 8/23 at $48,000 - PCGS65
5) Judd, Florida collection-B/R 10/76, Sieck-81 ANA, Pollock plate
6) Champa-B/R 5/72 ?, Hughes 1/80 ?, Novoselsky, Alhambra/Hanks, Heritage 10/99 (not sold), Superior 4/00 FPL, Heritage 1/07 at $43,125 – NGC67
7) Parmelee, H.P. Smith, J.S. Jenks, Clapp, Eliasberg-B/M 5/96 at $30,800, Southern collection as NGC65, Simpson-Heritage 1/21 at $63,000 - PCGS65
8) Rothchild-Stacks 10/03 at $48,875, Queller-Heritage 1/09 at $126,500 as NGC67, Pogue-StacksBowers 3/20 at $78,000 - PCGS65
9) Heritage 1/24 FUN at $81,000 - NGC65, image does not appear to match any of those above
10) Gunmetal blue-gray toned example in the possession of Julian Leidman circa 1980 - gem proof, possibly the same as #8
1) 1978 Steve Ivy Coin World Ad, Saul Teichman via Renrob at $2800, NY Collection in 1999 - NGC65RB
2) Farouk, Bass-HWBRF, B/M 5/99 at $4370 – PCGS60RB cleaned, lacquered, restored Teletrade 6/7/00, Teletrade 7/31/00, Teletrade 11/29/00, Teletrade 1/31/01 as NGC64RB, Heritage 4/01 inventory, R. Kay, Goldberg 9/03 as PCGS65RB at $26,450, Simpson-Heritage 4/21 at $26,400 - PCGS65RB
3) Hughes 7/80, D.A.Holt - choice proof
4) Crouch-Superior 6/77, Ivy 10/77, 82 ANA - choice proof
5) Kosoff 11/55, Bergin-Stacks 6/84 - gem proof
6) Dibello (possibly via Col Green, B.G. Johnson 4/26/46 invoice), Stacks 5/70, Sieck-81 ANA - choice proof
7) Col Green?, Newman-EPNNES, Heritage 4/13 at $31,725, Heritage 8/21 at $31,200 - NGC66BN
8) Simpson collection - PCGS66BN, same as #1 reslabbed?
1) Smithsonian - Pollock plate
2) Dibello-Stacks 5/70, Bass, HWBRF-Heritage 9/22 at $102,000 - PCGS67
3) Turoff-B/M 3/94 at $12,100 - PCGS63
4) Col Green, Taylor (B.G. Johnson 12/13/44 invoice), NN61st 6/70, Fred-B/M 11/95 at $16,500, Dr. Linkner - PCGS64
5) Judd, Florida collection-B/R 10/76, Sieck-81 ANA, Simpson-Heritage 8/21 at $33,600 - PCGS64
6) Hughes 1/80, Hughes 7/80, Novoselsky, Alhambra/Hanks, Heritage 10/99 (not sold), Superior 4/00 FPL, B/M 5/04 at $28,750, M. Hagen as NGC66, private collection - PCGS66
7) Nerca 3/77, Nerca 7/78, Heritage 1/04 as PCGS61 at $19,550, Southern collection, Simpson-Heritage 11/20 at $16,200 - PCGS62
8) Anderson/Dupont-Stacks 11/54, Bergin-Stacks 6/84, Heritage 4/09 as NGC65 at $54,625, Simpson collection - PCGS65
9) F.K. Saab, Auction 81, Heritage 2/85, Morgan-StacksBowers 8/19 ANA at $40,800 – PCGS64
10) Evans-B/M 8/98 at $9775, StacksBowers 8/17 ANA at $39,950 - NGC64, cleaned
11) Rothchild-Stacks 10/03 at $34,500, Queller-Heritage 1/09 at $27,600 - NGC64
Note: The Parnelee, H.P. Smith, J.S. Jenks, Clapp, Eliasberg was not in Elisaberg I sale - possibly one of above. Col Green owned 3. An example in Heritage inventory 2/99 as NGC64 556266-007 is probably a reoccurrence of #3 or #9.
1) T.R. Walsh
2) 53 ANA, Bergin-Stacks 6/84, 93 ANA as PCGS65RB (not sold), Superior 1/94 at $14,575, B/M 11/02 at $25,300 - PCGS66RB
3) Heritage 2/87, Tangible Assets, Teletrade 3/3/93, Marin, Superior 5/94 (not sold), Marin, 94 ANA at $10,120, Heritage 5/2003 at $24,150, Simpson-Heritage 1/24 FUN at $31,200 - PCGS65BN
4) Johnson, Hughes 7/80-privately, Sieck-81 ANA, Rubin - NGC65RB – stolen
5) Hughes 7/80, Evans-B/M 8/98 at $16,100, R Shippee - PCGS66RB
6) Farouk, Bolender 10/55, Stirling-Heritage 5/09 as NGC62RED, Simpson-Heritage 1/21 at $19,200 - PCGS62RED
7) Heritage 8/11 at $25,300 as NGC64BN, Simpson-Heritage 9/20 at $33,600 - PCGS65BN
See also Anderson/Dupont-Stacks 11/54; and Lohr, Cox-Stacks 3/62 for additional listings.
1) Smithsonian - Pollock plate
2) Dibello-Stacks 5/70, Bass, HWBRF-Heritage 1/23 FUN at $210,000 - PCGS67 with void near I in America
3) Ewalt-Stacks 11/65, Turoff-B/M 3/94, A. Terranova at $27,500 - PCGS63
4) Fred-B/M 11/95 at $28,600 - PCGS64
5) Judd, Florida collection-B/R 10/76, Sieck-81 ANA, Kentucky collection as NGC64, M. Hagen, Virginia collection, Heritage 1/18 FUN (not sold), Heritage 1/19 FUN at $108,000 - PCGS64
6) Hughes 10/79?, Auction 82, Auction 90, R. Meek at $35,000, Teletrade 2/6/02, Superior 1/03 at $32,200, Superior 4/04 - PCGS63
7) New York Coin Mart ? at Secaucus NJ 1995 coin show, 97 ANA at $27,025, 2001 ANA (not sold), Heritage 1/07 (not sold) - PCGS63 gray toned
8) Parmelee, H.P. Smith, J.S. Jenks, Clapp, Eliasberg-B/M 5/96 at $85,250, Southern collection, Simpson-Heritage 1/22 FUN at $126,000 - NGC65/PCGS65
9) Novoselsky, Alhambra/Hanks, Heritage 10/99 at $40,250, Heritage 4/3/01 Internet sale, Heritage 8/01 inventory as NGC64, 1/15 at $78,100, Simpson-Heritage 8/21 at $72,000 - PCGS64
The Lohr coin probably duplicates #4, #6 or #9.
The Jenks, Clapp pedigree on these comes from what is believed to be B.G. Johnson’s named Jenks sale sold by George Kolbe. The Eliasberg half dollar appears to have been misplaced, lost, sold or the pedigree is incorrect (possibly George Clapp or C. E. Clapp).
1) Doughty 4/1891, Reed, Durham Museum - ICG66RB possibly the Maris and/or Vicksburg-Stetson coin
2) Stacks privately to David Queller, Heritage 1/09 at $51,750 - NGC66RB
3) B/R 10/77, Superior 1/89 at $28,875, Superior 10/89 at $30,800, Auction 90 at $26,000 as PCGS64RB with carbon spot in lettering, Virginia collection, Heritage 4/17 at $64,625, Legend - PCGS65RB with spot removed
4) Taylor-NN61st, Hughes 7/80?, Tangible Assets, Teletrade 3/3/93, Marin, Alhambra/Hanks, Superior 4/00 FPL, Heritage 2/01 (not sold), Heritage 5/01 (not sold) as PCGS66RB, ANR 7/05 at $63,250 as PCGS66BN, Simpson collection - PCGS67RB
5) Burke-B/M 5/94 at $24,200, Superior 8/95 (not sold), Superior 3/01 at $29,900, Heritage 1/07 at $51,750, M. Hagen, Simpson-Heritage 4/21 at $96,000 - PCGS66RB
See also: Col Green, Rumbel (B.G. Johnson 1/2/45 inv), 52 ANA (#2?); Farouk (2 specimens-one ex Olsen); Lohr for additional listings which probably duplicate some of above. As there are 7 known of the other denominations, it is likely that 1 or 2 more exist.